
Text from publications
Displaying 457 - 459 of 476 results

"The Future of the Maquiladora: Between Industrial Upgrading and Competitive Decline". A Forum Fronterizo, San Diego Dialogue, UCSD, La Jolla.

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Jim Gerber. 2006

"Labor Performance of Maquiladoras: An Assessment of Workplace Safety" in Frontera Norte, Vol. 18, no. 35, Tijuana, January-June, pp. 55-86

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Oscar Contreras, Humberto Garcia y Jaime Olea. 2006

"Mexican Exports and China's Challenge: The Television Industry: Threat or Opportunity?" in Kaleidoscope, Autonomous University of Agusaclientes, year 10, num. 19, January-June, 2006, pp.7-18

Source: Jorge Carrillo. 2006