
Text from publications
Displaying 41 - 44 of 476 results

Power Dynamics, Regional Governance Institutions, and the Quality of Work: A Comparison of Baja California and Queretero Aerospace Cluster

Source: Christian Lévesque, Redi Gomis, Blandine Émilien, and Jorge Carrillo, Power

Industrial Policy for the use of the T-MEC and expansionary policies in the United States

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Saúl de los Santos

Jorge Carrillo and Saul de los Santos, "Industrial Hubs, Industrial Policy, and Economic Development in Mexico" in A. Oqubay and J. Y. Lin, The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, Oxford Press, 2020, pp. 836-854 (Chapter 43) (ISBN 978-0-19-885043-4)

Source: Jorge Carrillo and Saul de los Santos, "Industrial Hubs, Industrial Policy, and Economic Development in Mexico" in A. Oqubay and J. Y. Lin, The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, Oxford Press, 2020, pp. 836-854 (Chapter 43) (ISBN 978-0-19-885043-4)

Impacts of COVID-19 on Baja California companies

Source: Redi Gomis, Jorge Carrillo y Sau?l De los Santos "Impactos del COVID-19 en las empresas de Baja California" en O. Contreras (Coordinador) Ciencias Sociales en acción; respuestas frente al COVID-19 desde el norte de México, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, 2021, Cap. 4, pp. 86-100 (ISBN 978-607479370-0) (e-book)