
Text from publications
Displaying 9 - 16 of 476 results

The Automotive sector in Mexico: The Impact of automatizó and digitalization on employment

Source: Jorge Carrillo, Adriana Martinez, Octavio Lopez y Martha Diaz, The automotive sector in Mexico: The impact of automation and digitalization on employment, Reseacrh Paper No.15, ILO, Geneve, April, 2023

Huawei in Mexico: recent strategy in the face of global and local challenges

Source: Carrillo, Jorge y Micheli Jordy "Huawei en México: estrategia reciente ante retos globales y locales". En E. Dussel Peters (Coord). América Latina y el Caribe China. Economía, comercio e inversión 2021. UNAM

Technological and regional strategy. Huawei's resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic

Source: Andrei Guerrero y Jorge Carrillo, 2023

Sustainable complementarity in the context of NAFTA?

Source: Jorge Carrillo

The end of outsourcing in Mexico? Characteristics of the new legislation and future prospects

Source: Janette Brito, Jorge Carrillo, Redi Gomis y Alfredo Hualde

Integrated value chains: Dynamics and aim for the Calibaja Region

Source: Saúl de los Santos y Jorge Carrillo

Integrated value chains: regional dynamics and aspirations for CaliBaja

Source: Saúl de los Santos y Jorge Carrillo

"Mexico in global production chains. The case of medical devices"

Source: Jorge Carrillo y Saúl de los Santos